Our Founder (and resident authoress) is super-busy, but she made time for a quick

interview on her essential birthday style. The catch? These questions start easy

and get gradually harder. Let's see how she does!


Good morning! Take us through your typical birthday.


"If you read my book, The Joy of Missing Out, you know I tell the story of 

ripping out my deck and rebuilding it from scratch. There’s something about 

using my two hands to create something unique that I love. I find that when 

I’m stressed, it centers me. But getting out power tools and making big trips to 

the hardware store isn’t for your typical Tuesday afternoon."


"Every year for my birthday, I give myself a gift: time and space to build. I 

spend a few weeks planning, measuring, and sketching, and then I pull out all 

my tools and build something from scratch. I’ve built a bed, a set of outdoor 

couches, a desk— something different every year. I get the kids and John 

involved, and we make a long weekend of it. I look forward to 

every single year."



Do you have any birthday getaways or weekend trips planned?


"My birthday is almost always right around Memorial Day weekend—it’s one of 

my favorite things about my birthday. Although truth be told, I celebrate my 

birthday all month long, my family and my team know 

it’s birthday month. I actually just got back from an incredible week in 

Phoenix, where I spent time with some of my favorite women CEOs. We

masterminded each other's businesses, gave each other advice, and stayed up

way too late laughing. That was an amazing birthday present for For my actual

birthday weekend, I will enjoy the mountain views off my 

own back porch and spend time at home. I can’t wait.”



Birthday This or That?


A birthday cake or birthday cupcakes?



Dinner out or breakfast in bed?

Dinner Out


Girl's night out or romantic date night? 

Date Night



Everyone comes to you for advice, so we want to know: What is your 

favorite thing to give as a birthday gift?


I love to take my time with presents and curate an “experience” for big 

birthdays. One of my favorite birthday gifts was John’s 30th birthday. I was 

about a week away from giving birth to Jack, and John was a few months 

away from graduating with his MBA. We knew it was one of the last times it 

would be just the two of us. We were both living off my teacher's salary, so we 

didn’t often splurge for big things, but for his birthday, he got “the 

brand new man” experience. I took him to get his hair professionally styled, I 

got a personal shopper at Nordstrom to help him with 

clothes for his new job and took him out for a fancy lunch. It felt like a splurge 

at the time, but I loved doing that for him. For his 40th, I flew him off to New York

to spend the weekend in box seats at the 12.12.12 concert (The Concert for

Sandy Relief). His 50th is coming up soon, so I’m already gathering ideas!